Service Provider Portrait BestSolutions

Service Provider Portrait bestSolutions - stats and figures

Our Service Provider Portraits introduce you to our sponsors in the Marketplace Universe. Today we tell you more about the fulfillment service provider bestSolutions.


Who is bestSolutions?

“There’s no such thing as impossible!” bestSolutions GmbH has made a name for itself with this motto since it was founded in 2015. What began as a small company has developed into an established provider of logistics and fulfillment services: At its headquarters in Mainz and its two other locations in Hamburg and Egelsbach near Frankfurt, bestSolutions now employs 230 people. Under the leadership of CEO Mile Vrljic and COO Magnus Weiß, bestSolutions generated revenues of approximately 6 million euros in 2023.

Who are they for?

bestSolutions specializes in the special challenges of marketplace logistics, such as marketplace integration and handling the different requirements of individual marketplaces. The focus of bestSolutions is on the logistics and fulfillment needs of the Fashion & Lifestyle, Sports & Beauty industry. The portfolio ranges from warehousing and order processing to returns handling. The goal: to offer the best and most individual solutions for their customers.

Their USP?

Over the years, bestSolutions has developed from a pure service provider to an independent full-service provider. In doing so, the company wants to live up to its customer-oriented approach: “Nothing is impossible!” – This motto stands for customized solutions. They’re designed to meet the often very individual needs of customers, whether it’s scenting tissue paper or complying with dangerous goods regulations for beauty products. This also applies to smaller retailers and brands.

What is bestSolutions currently working on?

Over the next twelve months, bestSolutions plans to more than double its available warehouse space from 7,000 m² to 16,000 m². At the same time, the company will continue to automate processes to better respond to customer demands. At the same time, the visibility of the bestSolutions brand is to be increased both nationally and internationally.

Who already works with bestSolutions?

Reference customers of bestSolutions are Purelei, Gutemarken, P4Markets, OnQuality and DariaDéh.

 Who is available for questions?

Ute Weickel-Oudot.

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