Ingrid Lommer

Marketplace Watchdog
Keeper of Facts and Figures

I’m Ingrid, a business journalist by heart and by trade, always driven by curiosity and an endless fascination for what and who and why.

I have been writing, podcasting and hosting events for the DACH marketplace business for the last seven years, acting as the industry’s “marketplace watchdog” and unofficial keeper of facts and figures.

Today, I use my extensive industry knowledge, a reputation for trustworthiness and integrity, and a deep understanding of my audience’s needs to provide the community of Marketplace Universe with insights and connections.

In 2024, LinkedIn honored my efforts for my audience with the Top Voices Badge.

My Marketplace USPs

My Reach on LinkedIn

Some Marketplace People I had in front of my mic so far...

Rocco Bräuniger

Country Manager Amazon DACH

Dr. Saskia Meier-Andrae

General Manager eBay Germany

Markus Schöberl

Director Amazon Marketplace

Doreen Schumm

Head of Marketplace Sales Kaufland

Dominique Braun

Director Marketplace Germany Decathlon

Mimi Sewalski

Managing Director Avocadostore

Johannes Kliesch

Founder & CEO Snocks

Thomas Lombard

Vice President Revenue Ankorstore

Robert Schlichter

Director Marketplace Otto

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