Service Provider Portrait channelEngine

With our service provider portraits, we are introducing the Marketplace Universe partners in more detail. Today: the marketplace integrator ChannelEngine.


Who is ChannelEngine?

ChannelEngine is a global technology company in the field of e-commerce and marketplace management. Founded in 2013 in Leiden, the Netherlands, by Jorrit Steinz, the company offers an e-commerce and marketplace management platform that brands, retailers and distributors can use to place their products on over 950 different online sales channels and international marketplaces.

Who Are they suitable for?

Large brands and retailers who want to offer their products on a variety of international marketplaces and online sales channels. Distributors looking for an efficient and automated solution for product listing, inventory management and order fulfillment.

Their USP?

Global reach: With a choice of over 950+ marketplaces, social commerce and online sales channels worldwide, ChannelEngine connects to an exceptionally large number of sales channels, across country and category boundaries.

Automation and efficiency: The platform enables automated processes for product listing, inventory management and order fulfillment, which significantly increases efficiency. Automatic price optimization is also part of the portfolio.

What is ChannelEngine currently working on?

In 2024, ChannelEngine acquired the US company Retail Data Partners. With its solution behind it, the marketplace integrator wants to improve first-party functionalities this year and thus offer new opportunities for hybrid models. In addition, the global reach is to be further expanded by connecting new international channels.

Who is already working with ChannelEngine? (Selection)

BSH Hausgeräte, Bosch, edding, Emma, Notebooksbilliger, Oceans Apart, Sonos, Stabilo, Unilever

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