Movers and Shakers
Marketplace Universe Personnel Carousel
- Movers and Shakers
Michael Badichler, formerly Head of Digital Transformation at Rotkäppchen-Mumm, will now lead the E-Commerce department at Wenko-Wenselaar on an interim basis. Lynn Kröger has left Esprit to join Douglas as Senior Project Manager Global E-Commerce. Andreas Küpper, formerly Director Digital Sales EMEA at Lee & Wrangler, has joined Zalando as Commercial Director Modern.
Kadir Batgi, International Marketplace Account Manager at Defacto has left the company after nine years and started a new position as International Marketplace Senior Executive at Jimmy Key. Stephanie Hölzlwimmer has left Bosch after 16 years to look for new challenges elsewhere. So far, she keeps quiet about her new workplace. Wandrille Lerfebvre has left to join Loiuis Vuitton…
Alina Bechte is now Head of Marketplaces, Price Comparison & Affiliate at DocMorris. Alexander Hally started a new position as Director Digital Sales and Revenue Growth Management at Weleda AG. Christin Kemper has returned to Amazon after a short spell at Shopify and is now Senior Program Manager Last Mile Logistics for Europe. Lots of job changes in November!
Pia Nolte left Breuninger for fashionette. René Herzig left Sennheiser to join Paulmann Licht. Janina Kargoll moved from C&A to Logoco's Naturkosmentik. Lots of job changes in October!
Christina Schröder left edding and Arvid Gustafsson Krumhorn left AbouYou. MediaMarktSaturn has a new CEO Marketplace. A lot has happened in the marketplace worls in August. Keep up with all Movers & Shakers here!