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home to all European Marketplace People

Welcome to the
Marketplace Universe

If European B2C online marketplaces are part of your daily business, then the Marketplace Universe is the right place for you. Here, we create a unique community which connects brands, retailers, service providers and marketplaces. We educate, communicate, consult and connect all marketplace people. We provide you with exclusive insights, unforgettable industry events, new talents and job possibilities. We are the keymasters to the Marketplace Universe – may we open the doors for you?

Ingrid and Valerie
Founders of Marketplace Universe
Ingrid Lommer and Valerie Dichtl_Founder of Marketplace Universe

News from the Marketplace Universe

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Amazon Accelerate 2024
22. September 2024

Major Innovations in AI, Social Commerce, and Supply Chain Every year, Amazon Accelerate sets the stage for the latest trends and innovations for the Amazon landscape, and 2024 was no exception. Held in Seattle, the event draws sellers and business leaders eager to learn how Amazon’s new tools can help them succeed in a rapidly changing retail environment. This year, the focus was on AI-powered solutions and new tools for…

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News you need to know about

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Voices of the Marketplace Community

Giuliana Prinz

Giuliana Prinz

Senior Specialist Marketplaces Tom Tailor

The marketplace business is changing at such a rapid pace that it’s almost impossible to keep up all by yourself. Luckily there are people like Ingrid & Valerie who make my life a little easier with their tireless searching (& finding) of the latest, hottest shit. But not only do I stay up-to-date with the help of the various formats of the Marketplace Universe, much more relevant for me are the personal contacts that have already been made. We are all never getting tired of saying “platform business is people business” and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ingrid & Valerie once again for the connections they have made possible. Whether it’s at events, by email, in the podcast or via LinkedIn – these two absolute power women always have a listening ear and at least one good tip or anecdote at hand. I am more than excited to see what else they will come up with.

Stephanie Hölzlwimmer

Stephanie Hölzlwimmer

Head of Product Comfort & Wellbeing Bosch Home & Comfort Group

A big thank you to you, Ingrid, for the contribution you have made to my personal marketplace learning journey! From the inspiration at your Marketplace Conventions, to great contacts from the industry, to the continuous thirst for more knowledge and entertainment in the podcast together with Valerie. Thank you!

Malte Karstan

Malte Karstan

Founder Karstan Consultancy E-Commerce

“Marketplace Universe” offers a platform to inform people interested in the marketplace world through podcasts and newsletters. The marketplace quadrants, which provide a comprehensive overview of the most important online marketplaces in Europe, are particularly valuable. The platform also promotes networking within the industry through webinars and live events. This mix of up-to-date information and networking opportunities makes “Marketplace Universe” an important resource for anyone working in the online marketplace sector.

Michael vom Sondern

Founding Partner Commerce Advisory Network

What I appreciate about MU are the precise and substantial info drops such as the quadrant graphics on Linkedin or in the newsletter. I’m always up to date and don’t miss anything.

Johannes Blindhuber

Partner Management plentysystems

Marketplace Universe: THE voice for EVERYONE in the marketplace scene. Ingrid and Valerie bring the marketplace community together, provide them with facts and figures and help to create a sense of WE in the marketplace world – whether brand, retailer, platform or service provider – Marketplace Universe is the voice for all of us!

Marketplace Movers & Shakers in August 2024
2. September 2024

Christina Schröder left edding and Arvid Gustafsson Krumhorn left AbouYou. MediaMarktSaturn has a new CEO Marketplace. A lot has happened in the marketplace worls in August. Keep up with all Movers & Shakers here!

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