Marketplace Universe News 16.09.2024 – Amazon eases export without Store / Asos will not sell Topshop to Shein / Internationalization of Galaxus is secured

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Amazon eases the export to countries without a specific Amazon Store with the new Export Central, which is part of Amazon’s EU Export programm. With it, sellers can enable international shipping settings to 39 European countries with just a few clicks. AboutAmazon

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British fasion retailer and marketplace will sell its daughter chain Topshop/Topman not to Shein – even though the chinese company made the best offer. Instead, Asos decided to take a lower bid from investor group Heartland. Just-Style

Amazon has reduced the deadline for processing unsaleable stock from 30 to 23 days. If companies miss this deadline, Amazon can dispose of these products. LinkedIn

The financing of the internationalization of the Swiss marketplace Galaxus to Germany and other European countries is now secured until at least 2029. 2.5 million German customers shop on and generated a turnover of 286 million euros in 2023.

40 per cent of everything sold on eBay are either second-hand or refurbished items, eBay-CEO Jamie Iannone stated in an interview with Channel-X. Channel-X

Future News

The online gaming platform Roblox, which has 79 million daily active users, plans to sell physical products directly on the platform starting in 2025. Roblox users will then see a “Buy Now” prompt in the game alongside the virtual product. Initially, this will only be possible for Roblox creators with a Shopify store. In addition, the platform will also launch an affiliate program for creators. Onlinemarketing

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